Generative tools, artworks and algorithms for design research, museums and public exhibits

Thumbnail of three strawberries, each with an electrical cable attached

Bompas & Parr

Generative audio and a synthesiser made from cheese

A photograph of an iPhone with transparent red light fields all obove it

Science Museum London

Teaching people to photograph the invisible

A photo of two machines, the smaller has electronics inside and a sensor, the larger has a large disc and drawing pen

Circle Space Visualisation Device

A playful drawing machine that permanently archives human activity

A photograph of green and red light above a dark photo of an electric radio. The red light gets bigger above the speaker

Visualising EMF

A light drawing app to visualise electromagnetic fields

Looking over the shoulder of someone holding a tablet in a street, on the screen are some triangles clustered together

Moment Obscura

Visualising a moment in space and time using colour and sound

A child staring at a colourful projection on a white wall


Interactive design lab for children affected by ASC and PLD

A book spread with clusters of red and blue lines joined together in an organic pattern

Anaglyph Relationships

Generative artwork representing a 3D system in a stereoscopic 2D book