Artificial Rationality

Speculative film of a possible but undesirable techno optimistic future

Screenshots of a documentary film
The entire 8 minute film was produced using found footage and a narrative I developed that pulled real world events that the audience would know, into a fictional narrative

Artificial Rationality was a speculative term I constructed as part of a fictional narrative. This film depicts an alternative vision of the present where a machine-learning algorithm is given carte blanche access to digital systems across the globe, in order to manifest philosophical thought experiments. During these experiments the A.I. would forged documents, receipts, fabricate police records, change transport systems and remove information from databases around the globe. To observe human reactions and decisions, in the hope of modelling the human value system, so that future robotics and autonomous agents can make the correct decision with human life when faced with moral and ethical dilemmas.

a computer program flow diagram
I started with a hypothetical machine learning concept, that unsuspectedly experimented with real people to avoid the observer effect and build a “true” model
Photogaph of museum installation
When the film was exhibited it equally engaged experts and the general pubic in critical conversations about machine learning and AI safety.