Functional prototypes for research, development, client demos and user testing

bonsai tree and a mobile phone with an app next to it


Digital-physical fragrance prototyping for Shiseido

A 3d visualisation of a futuristic car dashboard, with no buttons, everything is a screen

The Division

Future automotive interface concept for social driving

A greyscale icon of a face with a tree-diagram coming out from behind


2 Hour digitally guided museum installation

A logo of a white crown inside a white circle on a bright orange background

Design Museum / IKEA

A 24-hour experience prototype for a government service that relocates you everyday

A photo of someones hand holding a transparent card with a microchip stuck to their wrist

Philips Healthcare

Imagining healthcare in 2050 for people suffering from chronic immobility

A cropped photo of a man and woman looking at their phones in front of a pile of black boxes with a white sticker on


SMS based speculative service prototype

Thumbnail of three strawberries, each with an electrical cable attached

Bompas & Parr

Generative audio and a synthesiser made from cheese

A photograph of an iPhone with transparent red light fields all obove it

Science Museum London

Teaching people to photograph the invisible

A photo of two machines, the smaller has electronics inside and a sensor, the larger has a large disc and drawing pen

Circle Space Visualisation Device

A playful drawing machine that permanently archives human activity

A photograph of green and red light above a dark photo of an electric radio. The red light gets bigger above the speaker

Visualising EMF

A light drawing app to visualise electromagnetic fields

Looking over the shoulder of someone holding a tablet in a street, on the screen are some triangles clustered together

Moment Obscura

Visualising a moment in space and time using colour and sound

A thumbnail of a smart tv interface, with weather, contacts, live feed areas

LG Electronics

Future concepts for an AI + Social TV experience