Research, design and prototyping through creative practices like speculative design, creative coding, and experience prototyping.

A screenshot of a website with two colours and their contrast ratio scores

Studio Noel

Accessible colour palette checker

bonsai tree and a mobile phone with an app next to it


Digital-physical fragrance prototyping for Shiseido

A 3d visualisation of a futuristic car dashboard, with no buttons, everything is a screen

The Division

Future automotive interface concept for social driving

A greyscale icon of a face with a tree-diagram coming out from behind


2 Hour digitally guided museum installation

A logo of a white crown inside a white circle on a bright orange background

Design Museum / IKEA

A 24-hour experience prototype for a government service that relocates you everyday

An iMac with a website open, showing a photograph of an island and heading that says El Colo Ibiza

El Colo Ibiza

Design and development of a luxury service based in Ibiza

A photo of someones hand holding a transparent card with a microchip stuck to their wrist

Philips Healthcare

Imagining healthcare in 2050 for people suffering from chronic immobility

A cropped photo of a man and woman looking at their phones in front of a pile of black boxes with a white sticker on


SMS based speculative service prototype

Two women with headphones on walking through London looking at a video playing on their phones that gives them directions

Southbank Centre

Immersive ‘Memory Walks‘ for the Changing Minds festival at Southbank

Thumbnail of three strawberries, each with an electrical cable attached

Bompas & Parr

Generative audio and a synthesiser made from cheese

A video still showing a field of large satellite dishes with a blue/pink sky in the background

Artificial Rationality

Speculative film of a possible but undesirable techno optimistic future

A mobile screen with an illustrated character standing still tapping his feet

Zhuck (ЖУК)

A smart-ass Russian banking service aimed at entrepreneurs

A photograph of an iPhone with transparent red light fields all obove it

Science Museum London

Teaching people to photograph the invisible

A photo of two machines, the smaller has electronics inside and a sensor, the larger has a large disc and drawing pen

Circle Space Visualisation Device

A playful drawing machine that permanently archives human activity

A photograph of green and red light above a dark photo of an electric radio. The red light gets bigger above the speaker

Visualising EMF

A light drawing app to visualise electromagnetic fields

Looking over the shoulder of someone holding a tablet in a street, on the screen are some triangles clustered together

Moment Obscura

Visualising a moment in space and time using colour and sound

A rendering of a person holding a tablet in front of a QR code and watching a 3d car driving over a virtual environment

Range Rover

Concept and interaction design for an AR installation ‘Terrain Responder’

A child staring at a colourful projection on a white wall


Interactive design lab for children affected by ASC and PLD

A thumbnail of a smart tv interface, with weather, contacts, live feed areas

LG Electronics

Future concepts for an AI + Social TV experience

A book spread with clusters of red and blue lines joined together in an organic pattern

Anaglyph Relationships

Generative artwork representing a 3D system in a stereoscopic 2D book

A rooftop image with a car at the bottom and a grid of petrol pumps arranged to look like space invaders

Alpha Romeo

Space invaders installation and projection mapping